Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Little Hurricane That Could

Well people in my parts are going a little apey about the very small hurricane that is about it hit. Of course, Katrina put weather religion in us all, but hey don't be acting crazy at Walmart, now. I will admit I bought a case of water, and I'm seriously thinking about duct taping the perimeter of the house, but you know I'll wait til the room is flooded before I freak. 

The coast is looking a little crappy. I would be freaking at that. Feet of water just rushing across the beach, but if  you live there you know you are taking the chance of getting flooded. I am really happy I got it out of my head into moving down there. 

Isaac Made It To A Hurricane, Bless His Heart!

Dylan had what I thought was his first official Cub Scout meeting, but it was more of the same. Money, and blah blah blah. The leader did make a sting maze for the kids and I actually thought this was to learn something, but he said don't touch it cause it's poison. The boy did have fun playing before the "meeting". I didn't even know the time or place until I had to text a leader. I then meet our den "mother" leader..whatever. She's super nice, and open to suggestions. I really hope that the next meeting we'll actual do some stuff. I was a little discouraged to hear that if you didn't sell at least $300 in popcorn you would need to cut a check to make up the donation cost. Lordy me. 

Well, anything I can do for my kids. Will certainly try my best! I guess I'll need to do the door to door thing, social media, and yard sales/sales. I really want him to get the full experience. 

As for Gia, I paid $12 in hopes that we will have a girl scout troup soon, but no word yet. Either way, in a couple of months they will both be playing Extreme basketball. 

I am also going to working on my Happy Helpers group. Going to try to make it more bigger with drives, drop off locations, and things like that. I am even thinking about doing a clean up business. I would help people with there houses and take donations off there hands. Oh well if other people are doing that. They are not me....:-)

Well that's it for now. I do pray we don't get damage, and that we don't lose power. Don't nothing make a Southerner more mad than no A/C in August! Be Blessed!

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